Saturday, January 25, 2025

What I Wore 1.18.25

Am I missing Saturday? Yes. And I looked especially adorable too (Elphaba coded, if you will). But alas, I never recreated it for a photo. Oh well! 

Another bitterly cold week in the books. I wore my fleece tights way more than I would have liked (I just don't like the pair I have, but refuse to buy a different pair). Despite all that, I did have some pretty lovely outfits this week. My favorites were Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thursday was almost a favorite, but something felt off (the sweater style). Bad days happen and not everything works like you want it to, but it's always fun to try. 

I'm feeling that itch of wanting to completely flip my wardrobe. And I think I've found the main reason. I do still feel like I'm working on my core style. I think it's pretty nailed down, but sometimes it just seems off. And the reason is: fit. The way some of my clothes fit isn't how I want or imagined. Take Thursday's outfit for example. The outfit itself looks really good, but I think having a lighter sweater or something with a more girly sleeve would have made it a great outfit instead of a good outfit. I'm also still dealing with growing out of certain pieces. Like the polka dot skirt, it fits, but it doesn't fit the same way. This might sound super nit picky, but your clothes should help make you feel great. And if I'm looking this closely at something - that means I'm almost there. I definitely need to sit with my wardrobe and really think about what I have and what is missing. Maybe try everything on again...

Have been very into not getting dressed on Sundays this month. I haven't had many plans on Sundays and don't typically go anywhere - so what is the point. I only put this on to travel to my boyfriend's apartment. Shop the look here.

I brought this outfit knowing probably no one but us would see it. But we did end up going to eat at a restaurant for dinner, so it wasn't a total waste. I am not typically one to wear jeans as lounge clothing, but I wanted to wear something more structured since I spent the weekend in practically pajamas. Shop the look here.

I threw this look in my bag hoping it would work out. As I mentioned above, it's good, but it's not great. Kind of boring, but it was comfortable. Shop the look here.

My friend, Erica, and I have decided to go to lunch (not necessarily eat lunch though) every other week. This allows us to see each other more often and for us to get content we wouldn't otherwise get. I'm feeling a bit stagnant and not super creative, so this, I'm hoping, will help with that! This is what I wore to our first outing. Shop the look here.

I love a neck scarf, but I don't wear them as often as I would like. Honestly, I kind of forget about them. I do this with all accessories, really. Going to try to use them more! Still can't get over these pants. Shop the look here.

I always try a little harder on Fridays. It's "casual Friday", but I really hate the way "casual" has become, so this is my way of combating it. Sometimes, I think Friday's are usually my best outfits during the week. Shop the look here.

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