Friday, January 10, 2025

Dry January


I am participating in Dry January (with my boyfriend) this year. I haven't ever done this before as I never truly felt like I needed it. This year, I need it. The last quarter of 2023 and the first half of 2024 were particularly stressful for me. I noticed an uptick in my drinking, but didn't really think that much about it. As I've started to happily settle down into my life a bit more, I've realized it might be something to think about. 

I've never considered myself a heavy drinker and I still don't. I hardly drink at home and a hard night out might be four drinks. Looking back at weekend's and nights out, I have realized that those "hard" nights have become a bit frequent. Like almost every weekend. Yikes. I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, it's just not how I want to look back on my nights. 

Sober curious is an expression that has popped up (for me anyway) fairly recently. I wouldn't say that's what I am. I fully intend to have drinks after this month. My goal is to reset my system and break the habit. When I go out, I want to be more choosey about my drinking. Perhaps I'll start with a soda or mocktail instead of a cocktail and start the alcohol after the food comes. Maybe I'll do some kind of fun sparkling juice at a Tuesday dinner. I'll potentially decide two drinks are actually great instead of my usual four. The possibilities are mostly endless. 

Participating in Dry January, for me, is a way to let myself know it's okay to not have that drink. That I don't need alcohol to be social and my normal, goofy self. That not every brunch or dinner needs a cocktail. I'm doing it to prove that I can, basically. Also, I want to see if it changes my body composition. Personally, I don't think there will be an effect, but hey, worth a look. 

If you're wondering why the photo is one of me with a Coca-Cola, it's because I am also not drinking Coca-Cola this month. I thought I needed a little extra push as I actually feel addicted to Coca-Cola. Again, I'm mostly doing this to prove that I can, to change my habits (hello, water), and see if my body composition changes. I don't intend to give it up permanently. I wouldn't mind having a bit less of it though. 

I believe doing random challenges like this helps you form better habits and shows you what you're made of (mostly anyway). I know I don't need alcohol or soda, but I like a cocktail sometimes. I enjoy my Coca-Cola Classics. I just want to enjoy them a little bit less. 

If you're starting new habits or undoing old ones this month, you got this! If you're not, that's great too! I love starting over in January, but I also recognize it's not the best month for everyone. Do what makes you happy and (maybe) healthy. There's a big push to "be your best self" at the start of every year. That doesn't mean you have to overhaul who you are and do everything different. But if you're looking to make a change, start with something small and go from there. 

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