Thursday, March 6, 2025
Weekend Camera Roll Crumbs 3.1.25
Monday, March 3, 2025
What I Read in February 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
What I Wore 2.22.25
We had the most lovely break in winter weather this week! With highs in the 50's, it felt like spring had finally shined upon us. But, I know it's just false spring. Knowing that doesn't mean I can't appreciate these beautiful days we had though.
I have been feeling some type of way about my style lately. I don't know if it's the monotony of winter or what, but it feels like I have no personal style. Which sounds super odd, I know. Because I do. I love Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration, but it feels like I'm pulling from that a lot more these days than just putting something together myself. When I mentioned this to a friend, she said, yes, but you make it yours. I had to sit with that for a moment. Very rarely do I have the exact pieces of an outfit I am trying to emulate. That's where the challenge and the fun lie in my mind. I never want to look like an exact copy (though sometimes that is fun!), but does that still mean I really know and understand how to put things together? I suppose I would argue, yes, it does mean I know how to put things together, but it just feels like I'm not really stretching my brain. Either way, I do have a personal style (everyone does!) and I know how to put pieces together. I'm just giving my brain a break, I think. Also, I'm trying to wear pieces differently and utilize my accessories more in my outfits, which is new to me. It's fun to see someone wear something in a way you hadn't thought of yet. I just also want to be that person for others as well!
Hey look! I wore something other than those leggings and a sweater. I put on a real outfit! I might have bought a brown color way of this pleated skirt. More brown that the one I have anyway. It looks so good with the gold heels. Brown might be my favorite color. Shop the look here.
I didn't want to wear tights, but it was also going to still be a bit chilly. So I opted for this slip skirt and tall boots. I love bringing this vintage cardigan out to play (I don't often). And I realized I need more silk camisole options to go under things like this! Shop the look here.
Here's the other brown pleated skirt. Maybe I'll wear all three that I own this week. Nice, but chilly weather is the perfect time to bring out midi skirts. In the ongoing effort to wear what I find to be fun, not necessarily flattering, we have these socks with the skirt and only a peak of shin showing. Normally I would try to make it look like I'm not wearing a shoe to elongate my leg, but this look is so fun! I'm really having a ball wearing grey this season. Shop the look here.
I needed a mini in my life this week. One of my girlfriends and I got together to plan some more of our London trip. This called for my London printed neck scarf. Which you cannot see. And I think I ended up looking more French. But, it's a cute outfit! And I'm glad this dress still fits. Shop the look here.
This was such a comfortable outfit and not something I probably would have thrown together on my own. It's weird how I embrace color and prints and will mix everything, but when it comes to mixing neutrals, I don't really do that! Shop the look here.
As a short person, sometimes the lengths that are "in" seem a bit too much for me. But then I remember that I can wear anything and pair a long, oversized blazer with a midi skirt. Just because you don't have legs that are as long as a giraffe's, doesn't mean you can't wear the outfit. Shop the look here.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Hero Piece
Saturday, February 22, 2025
What I Wore 2.15.25
Not going to lie, I'm pretty in love with all my outfits this week. Maybe not Sunday's outfit, but I cannot be bothered with Sunday dressing when it's this cold and I have no plans except for loafing. At least I put on a pretty sweater.
I was a little more tired this week than I have felt in awhile. I'm not sure if it's the weather catching up with me or my work out routine. Adding the running into my routine has been really rewarding. I'm still working up a tolerance though! I am feeling stronger, but that could just be where I am at in my cycle.
I decided to start growing my hair out this year. And I know it's not long by any measures, but I can tell it has achieved some length since the last chop. My hair health is one of the ways I measure my overall health. It's just nice to see and feel how healthy it is now compared to a few years ago when it wouldn't grow and it kept falling out. I also learned how to trim my own bangs and that has been a life saver!
Just a blah Sunday look. I'm honestly so ready for warmer temperatures, if even only on Sundays. I miss wearing my comfy dresses to loaf. Shop the look here.
Mixing and matching my favorite sets. This olive-y green is just so pretty and goes well with so many things. I found on a Pinterest an outfit with an olive green blazer and decided to recreate it. Shop the look here.
One of my girlfriends got me this leopard printed skirt. It's so comfortable and I believe a faux suede. I've been looking for a leopard printed skirt for awhile now, so I'm excited to have this one. Shop the look here.
These red heels! I am not much fun when it comes to shoes, but I have been wanting a pair of red flats and/or heels for awhile now. It really adds a Parisian vibe to any outfit. Shop the look here.
Another Pinterest inspired outfit (though the original outfit had leopard pants). I love wearing trouser socks with heels. It just adds a little something to the look to make it more interesting. Shop the look here.
An oldie, but a goodie! The day my Gal Meets Glam jackets fall apart with be a sad day indeed. I don't know why, but I had been wanting to wear jeans this week. Again, I blame the cold. So, here we are on a casual Friday! Shop the look here.